How to Manage Misogyny on Valentine’s Day

This is an excerpt from the funny, feminist, dating memoir I’m writing, Amy Dates: Tales of a Tinder Slut. In times like these, it is crucial that we speak up and don’t tolerate misogyny in any form. Even on Valentine’s Day.Especially on...

Flashback: More Than A Zero

This piece was first published in 2017 as part of an anthology but over the past week, leading up to my first son’s 14th birthday (wtf!!!), it kept coming to mind. Today, on his big day, I pulled it up and reread it and wow… as a writer, it always stuns me...

Why Kids Hurt Kids

TW: violence, death, abuse   Last week in my town a fifteen year old boy was killed. A family is broken. An unimaginable loss has filled those hearts, grief their now constant companion. That alone is devastating, more than any family should have to bear. But...

Brave Hearts Make Big Apologies

A couple weeks ago, I had a heart-changing conversation. It was beautiful, healing and full of love. It was a conversation I never thought would happen, an apology I never thought I’d receive.  But this isn’t a post about the breakdown – it doesn’t matter who...