The State of Motherhood Today

I’m well known for being a passionate woman – mother, business owner, teacher, writer, friend, daughter, sister, niece. Doing it all. Every day. No matter what. And everything to top quality, of course, there’s no other way in my mind. Which honestly converts...

The Thing About Writing a Memoir…

The thing about writing a memoir is it’s intense in a way that other writing isn’t (though all writing can be, and often is intense) but with a memoir you’re re-living everything important in your life – your old pains, hopes, relationships… The drama. The...

Managing the Return Home, A Changed Person

If you follow me, you know that my family and I recently left Vancouver BC, and moved back to my hometown in rural Ontario. If you’re new around here, that’s all the background you need to know to understand this post. With that said… Here I am, living in my hometown....

The First Day of School… for a Sensitive Child

The first day of school…. A day I always looked forward to as a kid. I loved school. Especially with fresh empty notebooks and a new pack of coloured pencils. The opportunities seemed endless. The excitement palpable. And as a parent, I thought I would love it too. I...

When Home Is A Small Town

Moving home…. To a SMALL town. My hometown. There’s nothing like it. Everywhere I go, there are people I know. Literally. I walk out my back door and see straight across the fence to the deck where my Grade 9 homeroom teacher enjoys the weather with his lovely wife....