Sola: To be female and alone

It’s quiet. They’re gone. It’s just me, a glass of pinot grigio and my laptop. I do love my kids, so very much. And yes, I often miss them when they aren’t here. But also, I so very much love my time alone. I love the quiet. No interruptions. Following my own rhythm...

Thoughts on Rest & Intimidating Women

Yesterday was a hard day. I muddled through the morning well enough, no yelling to get the boys out of the house early for my oldest son’s piano lesson before school. I had hoped to then be able to walk my other boy the 5 blocks to kindergarten but I got pulled back...

Claiming Space for Your Soul Amidst The Hustle & Bustle

In this moment, as the snow blankets the world with its pristine whiteness, I crave curling up with a good book, a hot chocolate and a roaring fire. I crave simplicity. I crave comfort. I can clearly see that a busy life is a wasted life because we miss the moments...