How to Manage Misogyny on Valentine’s Day

This is an excerpt from the funny, feminist, dating memoir I’m writing, Amy Dates: Tales of a Tinder Slut. In times like these, it is crucial that we speak up and don’t tolerate misogyny in any form. Even on Valentine’s Day.Especially on...

Brave Hearts Make Big Apologies

A couple weeks ago, I had a heart-changing conversation. It was beautiful, healing and full of love. It was a conversation I never thought would happen, an apology I never thought I’d receive.  But this isn’t a post about the breakdown – it doesn’t matter who...

Poking My Grief

I’ve come to accept that to be human is to ache. We may try to avoid it, to keep the pain away, but our efforts are foolish. Just as a smile will once again cross our face, so will tears stream down our cheeks. Grief and heartbreak come in many forms. From a loss of...

When Home Is A Small Town

Moving home…. To a SMALL town. My hometown. There’s nothing like it. Everywhere I go, there are people I know. Literally. I walk out my back door and see straight across the fence to the deck where my Grade 9 homeroom teacher enjoys the weather with his lovely wife....