by parrish | Apr 26, 2019 | Being Human, Mental Health
Yesterday was a hard day. I muddled through the morning well enough, no yelling to get the boys out of the house early for my oldest son’s piano lesson before school. I had hoped to then be able to walk my other boy the 5 blocks to kindergarten but I got pulled back...
by parrish | Apr 13, 2019 | Feminist AF, Mental Health
I’d feel really good for awhile… go to yoga, cook healthy meals, enjoy my family. I’d think “Ya, I got this. As long as I take really good care of myself, I won’t get depressed. I’m doing what the world tells me to do: exercise, eat well, be with those you love,...
by parrish | Feb 23, 2019 | Creating
Sometimes we speak truths that we only know once we hear the words leave our lips. It was one of those moments. The other day, on the back couch in the late afternoon sun. A warm support on the other end of the phone. “I want to blog and I want it to be fun!” Woomph....
by parrish | Nov 29, 2016 | Being Human, Mothering
My sweetie, two kids and I are one of the many families that sold our way-too-expensive “family” home in Metro Vancouver and headed East. Way East, all the way to my little hometown in Ontario. It wasn’t an easy decision despite the clear financial benefit. Like...
by parrish | Nov 22, 2016 | Being Human
In this moment, as the snow blankets the world with its pristine whiteness, I crave curling up with a good book, a hot chocolate and a roaring fire. I crave simplicity. I crave comfort. I can clearly see that a busy life is a wasted life because we miss the moments...